BERG Go Karts

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Here at Pat Fogarty, we offer a wide variety of BERG Go Karts and Accessories.

What’s the difference between the two types of go-kart?

From the GO2 (10 months +) to the E-BFR (6 years +), BERG provides a wide range of go-karts for young and elderly, big and little. You must first determine the height of your youngster before purchasing a go-kart. When you compare this to the heights listed for the various go-karts, you’ll have a decent idea of which one is best for your youngster. Do you know which station is the most spacious? In such a scenario, all you have to do is pick the nicest one!

Years of carefree entertainment

Which go-kart is your favourite? Is it a go-kart that you can drive as fast as you want? A go-kart that allows you to leisurely tour the neighbourhood? Or a go-kart from a reputable tractor or automobile manufacturer? We produce beautiful and safe go-karts that every child fantasises about at BERG. We also believe that youngsters should be able to enjoy themselves when playing outside. Our go-karts are of exceptional quality and will provide years of enjoyment!